I don't really have a favorite movie because there are many that I like. But the style of movies that I like the most are those that are based on real events, that make you reflect on the reality that we live, and that have a social conscience.

In that sense, I think documentaries are my favorite movie style. A few months ago I saw one called "Nostalgia de la luz" of a Chilean filmmaker named Patricio Guzman, who was exiled, and from France has done much of his work.

His documentary hit me deeply, because it is about women who search in the middle of the desert for the remains of the disappeared detainees of the "Chacabuco" concentration camp, the largest in Chile during the Pinochet Military Dictatorship.

Guzmán parallels the incessant search that women group performs, while in the same desert are the most important observatories in the world, full of scientists trying to find answers about the universe, an infinite.

It is a shocking documentary, but at the same time hopeful, because there are people willing to never forget facts that marked the history of the country, and to preserve the memory so that this kind of violation of human rights never happens again.

well, and finally, the last TV series I saw is called "Apache" and is about the life of Carlos Tévez, a famous soccer player who was born in "Fuerte Apache" one of the most dangerous territorial populations of Argentina and Probably from the world. I totally recommend it.


  1. I don't know if you've seen more of Patricio Guzmán, but if you haven’t, I recommend you to do it. He’s one of the best Chilean film makers.


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