My favorite book

The book I have enjoyed reading the most is "alone at night" by Rodrigo Fluxá. It is an in-depth report on the life of Daniel Zamudio, who was brutally murdered by a group of neo-Nazi people, and which had a great impact at the national level due to homosexual discrimination.

The murder of Daniel, brought with it the implementation of the first anti-discrimination law in the country, popularly known as "Zamudio Law", and that traumatic experience made visible the problems and struggles that people with different sexual tendencies must overcome to what society has stipulated as correct, to give way to inclusion, gender diversity and non-discrimination towards people , regardless of your sexual and gender preferences.

This brilliant research journalism work carried out by Fluxá, demystifies the figure of Daniel Zamudio, tells us his lights and shadows. He also tells us in detail the life of his murderers and makes us put ourselves in his shoes, because it is finally something that goes beyond murder. It is about the life of individuals who converge in a space, and next to them they carry a tremendous emotional burden, of many sorrows and in general very crude realities, people who lived indelible and traumatic moments.

The author's final reflection is that this brutal murder is a result of the system. a deeply unfair and unequal system, everyone involved that night in the San Borja park had their lives literly in the abyss.


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