
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2019

My future job

I would like to have a job where I don't have to spend so much time in the office, a mix between desk and field work would be good. I still don't know if journalism is the work path that I will follow, but if so, I would like to work in organizational communication. During my journalism studies, internal and external communication within organizations has caught my attention. I believe that applying communications based on communication plans to improve interpersonal relationships within the institution is a good beta of journalism and should be enhanced. If you don't follow that path, studying music is a great option. I have many musical skills and I consider it a talent that I must polish professionally, in that sense being a music teacher is a very attractive and viable option. I still have to clear those uncertainties, but for now I must finish my journalism studies. As for money, I have always believed that it comes from the effort, and if one works on

My favorite book

The book I have enjoyed reading the most is "alone at night" by Rodrigo Fluxá. It is an in-depth report on the life of Daniel Zamudio, who was brutally murdered by a group of neo-Nazi people, and which had a great impact at the national level due to homosexual discrimination. The murder of Daniel, brought with it the implementation of the first anti-discrimination law in the country, popularly known as "Zamudio Law", and that traumatic experience made visible the problems and struggles that people with different sexual tendencies must overcome to what society has stipulated as correct, to give way to inclusion, gender diversity and non-discrimination towards people , regardless of your sexual and gender preferences. This brilliant research journalism work carried out by Fluxá, demystifies the figure of Daniel Zamudio, tells us his lights and shadows. He also tells us in detail the life of his murderers and makes us put ourselves in his shoes, because


I don't really have a favorite movie because there are many that I like. But the style of movies that I like the most are those that are based on real events, that make you reflect on the reality that we live, and that have a social conscience. In that sense, I think documentaries are my favorite movie style. A few months ago I saw one called "Nostalgia de la luz" of a Chilean filmmaker named Patricio Guzman, who was exiled, and from France has done much of his work. His documentary hit me deeply, because it is about women who search in the middle of the desert for the remains of the disappeared detainees of the "Chacabuco" concentration camp, the largest in Chile during the Pinochet Military Dictatorship. Guzmán parallels the incessant search that women group performs, while in the same desert are the most important observatories in the world, full of scientists trying to find answers about the universe, an infinite. It is a shocking do